Follow Arama, guided by a mystical pomegranate tree, meeting a mysterious man. Along the way, Arama faces parts of himself, slowly putting together the puzzle of his identity. But before he is able to put everything together, will he manage to keep himself in one piece?
Director Statement
My short film gets its name from the Jungian term "Supra Consciousness." While people possess a subconscious, beyond that lies a supra-consciousness, which exists not below but above the conscious mind. The sphere symbolizes this supra-conscious mind state, and the film's poetic execution invites the audience to discover the supra-consciousness. I drew inspiration from the French artistic concept of détournement, which involves deconstructing existing elements to create something new and uniquely personal. In the film, my character Arama is on a transformative journey after receiving a seed from a mystical Kite Man. This journey into his own consciousness involves breaking himself into pieces, allowing him to reconstruct and create a new version of himself. We are only invited to see the moment of transformation. The story does not follow one linear line. Some believed that Arama was standing on the hill before the tree grow. Which creates a whole paradoxical approach. While making film, this is what inspires me the most. Giving people a chance to have their own version of the film.